Stay Safe Goose Island Oak
Hurricane Harvey is poised to slam into Rockport and the surrounding vicinity pretty heavily so I send good thoughts to The Big Tree at Goose Island State Park this weekend. Chris reminded me that the hurricane in its 1000+ years has seen plenty of hurricanes but still, it could use some good thoughts.
Probably more in need of good thoughts is the Zachary Taylor Oak in Rockport. It was looking a bit worse for the wear when we visited in 2015.
Here in NW Houston we’ve prepared for what we can. While we may have some tropical storm winds at first the big problem will of course, be flooding. The good news it that we haven’t had a lot of rain this summer so we aren’t already saturated but the bad news is it doesn’t take long for things to accumulate when you live in a low lying area. *Crossing fingers*. Things will definitely be much worse south of I-10 and along the coast.
We had plans to go back to Rockport and Port Aransas next weekend for Forest’s birthday but that has now changed with a major hurricane heading there. Who knows what the damage will be to the area. I’m also worried about the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge; it will take a big hit, too. The only good thing is that the whooping cranes aren’t there right now.
One Comment
Patrice La Vigne
Stay safe! Sending good vibes your way!!!