
  • Thoughts

    Life Lately | April 2023

    Thinking: How is it nearly the end of April? April isn’t usually a month that flies by and yet, here we are! I’m thinking about a lot…let’s do a run down! Heart Rate Variability (HRV): This came onto my radar a couple of months ago but I didn’t really do much with it or pay attention to it until Fitbit changed a bunch of things with their app back in March (goodbye friend challenges *sobs*) and put HRV on their list of things they keep tabs of. Paired with a couple of online acquaintances beginning to talk about it I’m realizing my HRV could be a lot better. I haven’t…

  • Thoughts

    Life Lately | February 2023

    Thinking: A few life updates can go here I presume…. So I finally had my hip MRI a few weeks ago, really probably a month ago by now, and no surgery needed. I do have an impingement but not to the extent he originally thought I might. But as I was talking to him he started thinking more on it and had me get an x-ray of my lower back. There was some narrowing between L1 and L2 and he thought my nerves are being affected which would be causing some of that pain, so I’m now starting physical therapy. I had my intake appointment this week with the PT…

  • Hiking,  Outdoors,  Texas,  Thoughts,  Travel & Places

    Does Texas actually care about its land? The Pending Loss of Fairfield Lake State Park

    Sometime in the fall I started a Substack newsletter where I was hoping to focus my writing efforts on Texas nature and environmental writing. I was going to re-purpose some blog posts here but also work on focusing on other important environmental news efforts in the state. It was a different kind of writing than what I typically share here, which is sometimes rambling and a lot more personal. The Substack was a way for me to stretch my writing skills and write for a different audience. If you haven’t heard of Substack, it’s a newsletter platform that allows writers to be paid if they want, so you can write…

  • Outdoors,  Thoughts

    Heart’s A Bustin’ on Valentine’s Day

    I totally meant to actually schedule this post and write something more formal but I forgot I had even drafted this to begin with! Euonymus americanus, also known as strawberry bush or hearts-a-bustin’, is a really cool native shrub that comes over into east Texas. Unfortunately it is also known as Deer Candy so it isn’t something we really really grow, though I do have one in a pot on the potting bench that I am hoping to possibly grow in my perimeter bed in the edible garden once we get that finalized (someday). But, I hope your heart’s are a bustin with love for someone, or at least for…

  • Thoughts

    Life Lately | January 2023

    It’s been quite a while since I’ve done one of these so I thought I would get back into the habit. I do like looking back at old ones to see what I was thinking at the time and they are fun to laugh at! Lots of gifs in this one because, why not? Thinking: About perimenopause. Yeah. Fun subject to talk about, right?! via GIPHY About 6 or so years ago I followed a crafting newsletter and she was in her very early 40s at the time and she would mention perimenopause from time to time. I didn’t really pay much attention to it because in my head, and…

  • Thoughts

    Mid-ish January Check-In

    Lobelia cardinalis It seems January is blazing right on by, doesn’t it? We still have a week and a half or so left but typically January is one of those months that seems to never end. Maybe because we’ve had so much planned the last few weeks that time seems to be zipping on by. The warmer weather and the feeling as if spring is imminent isn’t helping. It makes me feel behind in gardening. One thing I need to do is assess what blog posts I need to write over the coming weeks. I haven’t shared much in the last few years from trips we’ve taken because I got…

  • Thoughts

    Launching into 2023

    2023, huh? Well, another year full of promises—hikes to be walked, photos to be taken, plants to be identified, words to put down on paper, and paint to spread onto the page/canvas. I have a lot going on in my head, creative ideas and things to do, projects to accomplish. I’m attempting to spend less time watching streaming services and instead work on creative projects or reading in the evenings, at least until the light changes and I’m sure I’ll be spending more time outside again. There’s just so much to do and if I can do a little less tv watching, maybe I can get some things done. About…

  • December Reflections 2022,  Memes,  Thoughts

    31. My Word for 2023 – December Reflections 2022

    Well, these last few days have escaped my attention here and that is all fine by me. I’ve been off this week and with Forest and Chris was out of town for work, so Forest and I have been doing various activities together and cleaning up after the holidays a bit. My parents came down (and are currently here) so my focus has been elsewhere and not on writing here. But I figured I should at least wrap up on this last day of 2022 and finish out this reflection challenge. I haven’t done a word for a few years now. I found that much like resolutions I would focus…

  • December Reflections 2022,  Memes,  Thoughts

    27. Windowsill – December Reflections 2022

    At home we don’t have houseplants because we have housecats. They enjoy nibbling on plants that would end up poisoning them so we keep those out of the house. But at work, we both have a varying array of plants. I mostly keep clearance rack orchids from Kroger but also some other various ‘houseplants’ and that has expanded over the years. Earlier this year I bought a plant called string of needles or Ceropogia linearis. It’s a succulent-ish plant that requires low water. I keep it and several other low water plants in a south facing window in the kitchen at work and the heat that the window gets allows…

  • December Reflections 2022,  Memes,  Thoughts

    26. So Grateful For… – December Reflections 2022

    The ability to still hike and walk! Aging and aches and pains makes you grateful for what you are able to accomplish. My ability to pick Forest up from school and then bring him back to the office—the school is right across from our office! Lunch breaks at home! My group chat text sessions with my friends—love those girls so much! Books…always grateful for the amount of books just begging to be read! This week off work after Christmas! I always cherish it. Warmish afternoon, almost 60* today! Uncovered the plants and now I’m excited for spring. (shh, I know we have to get through two more months of cold!)…