I wish that these blossoms would last longer than I know they will. The magnolia might be ‘Ann’, but we’re not sure. The tag disappeared off of the tree, however it might be lingering somewhere in our piles of garden tags and information….somewhere. The two ‘Yellow Bird’ magnolias have not bloomed yet. Even so, only one will. The second one was rammed down by a buck and we left it to determine if would sprout back in the spring. I’m still tempted to rip it out and put a bigger one back in its place. We have a ‘Jane’ magnolia as well but it hasn’t bloomed yet either. Down the street there’s a glorious white-pink magnolia that is probably 12 feet tall that is blooming its head off and I’m incredibly envious. I want mine to look like that now, not wanting to wait 10 years for it to get that size.
The other flowers featured as peach blossoms. They show the promise of the juicy fruits the trees will bear in June. Some day we’ll have baskets of peaches to harvest, eat, or put away for eating later in the season. Until then we’ll have to satisfy ourselves with whatever meager yields we’ll get this year.
breathtaking!! wow!!
Michael- Plano Prairie Garden
Great photos. I started seeing a few blooms around here this week. Spring is not far away and I can’t wait.