
Around the Yard in Mid January

It didn’t take long for the pink bananas to resprout! They were starting to come back up early last week, a little over a week after the freeze.

I have two Mexican orchid tree seedlings (Bauhinia mexicana) that I grew from seeds I nabbed at the zoo awhile back. I recently moved them up a pot size so they could put on some better roots. I’m hoping in a year or two they will be big enough to plant along our fence.

In the yard the oxalis is trying to paint the yard pink, which I love! There were more blooms a few weeks ago but Chris mowed the yard to clean it up a bit from months of not being mowed. They will come back!



All of the rain has brought up various fungi, too.

Down on the dock there’s leftover debris from the high water on Wednesday. It wasn’t too bad and went down fairly quickly but the pond did come up a bit.

I will never tire of the sight of resurretion fern after a rain event.


I was surprised to see the strawberries starting to put on blooms. I suppose we may have fruit in a month or two?

Red giant mustard

Lettuce—can’t remember which kind this is!

Kale going strong!

I was very excited to see the lemon verbena recovering from the freeze. I wasn’t sure how it would do!

While a lot of the dill was set back or killed, a few plants have come through and are starting to do very well. I sowed more seeds to try to recover from what we lost. I need new dill seed in the pantry and to dry the plant for pickling later this summer.

The Gladiolus dalenii has begun to come back!

Sophora tomentosa seed pods. If the plant doesn’t come back I have seeds at least!

The S. tomentosa plant itself.

Another happy surprise! The variegated brug is already sending out new shoots!


Columbines and rain lilies.

I managed to get two flower beds mulched last weekend and plan to get the other three flower beds cleaned up this week so I can get mulch for them in the next week. There are flower seeds to sow and my excitement for a new season of growth is rising!

Are you doing any gardening?


  • Moosie

    It’s nice to see new growth! I saw one of my columbines sprouting in the front. Not much else. I think all of my ajuga isn’t going to come back. I hope my strawberries will produce some this spring!

  • Lemongrass

    Thanks for the tour of your garden. It has been a while since I’ve been on your blog. I miss experiencing spring and the new growth from the different plants. Here in Grenada we are at the start of the dry season. We are having a bit of rain, that have my herbs doing well. I am trying to get a fig tree growing, now that I found out a few people are growing figs here in Grenada.
    Your garden looks great, enjoy the growing season.

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