
  • Baby Teddy,  Family

    Forest at 1 Year

    I can’t even…a year? A YEAR? I’ve gone through 52 weeks of weekly photos, writing weekly and then monthly about this growing child of mine. If the first six months of his life felt eternally long, the last six months have breezed by me. Here’s the final installment of Forest’s first year of life. While I won’t be documenting his life like this in this space after this post, I will be keeping things for myself behind the scenes. He’ll still make appearances here in other forms but I’ll be tailoring it differently. Food: The kid has finally figured out solid food! We’re still feeding him some jarred food but…

  • Baby Teddy,  Family

    Fishin’ | Forest Friday

    I haven’t done one of these in a long time but I’m trying to use my dSLR more often. Last night we headed down to the dock before it was time for Forest’s bedtime to watch Chris fish for a few minutes. I wrangled the camera and an almost 1 year old pretty well but it was a little difficult at times. I’m hoping to start this as a regular post during the week once again.

  • Baby Teddy,  Family

    Baby Gear | What We Used & What We Didn’t Use

    Last year when we were registering for baby gear it was hard to know exactly what we would and wouldn’t need. There’s a plethora of websites out there with reviews on the best this and the best that. Sometimes you just cross your fingers and hope you’re getting the right things! It all gets a little overwhelming. In the end you definitely realize that it is easy to go overboard with items that are just not needed. I know some people swear by wipe and bottle warmers and others eschew them. We were the latter. So, what did we use and totally love? What ended up not being necessary? Well,…

  • Baby Teddy,  Family

    Forest & Me | Two Photos A Year Apart

    One thing I have really wanted to do this year but seemed to keep forgetting when the time came was to recreate photos I took last year with my baby belly only this time I’d have Forest out in front. Yesterday I was thinking about a set of photos I took in our bedroom last year about this time and tried to find what day I took them on last year. I ended up being a few days behind so I went upstairs for an impromptu photoshoot with Forest. My battery was low and I was running against the clock with a baby who was not interested in cooperating. Thus,…

  • Baby Teddy,  Family

    Forest at 11 Months

    Another month down! Only a month left until his birthday! Food: Forest’s eating took a hit the first week of the month. He was still devouring his food right when we arrived in Port Aransas but he had a mild stomach bug before we all got hit with the bigger stomach bug, and paired with being in a new place, his solids intake went down to nil until we returned home to a normal routine. He has continued to eat the food I buy at the store but over the last few weeks we’ve tried going the yogurt puffs more often and he’s been eating them mostly with ease. He’s…

  • Family,  Outdoors,  Texas,  Travel & Places

    Old Memories | New Memories

    It’s been almost five years since I was on Mustang Island and in Port Aransas. It’s been even longer, decades, since I took an actual vacation there with my parents. It must have been high school, maybe middle school, the last time I was there on vacation with them. They’ve gone many years since then but Chris and I were in Florida for a lot of those times. The last two years for their vacations they went to Arkansas, one of which we joined them on. Last year I was too pregnant to be traveling that far. When my parents mentioned they were going back to Port A this year…

  • Family,  Texas,  Travel & Places

    Port A Vacation Video

    Ah, the lovely thing about videos is that sometimes they aren’t that hard to edit and put together. Photos and writing down a blog?? A little more time consuming. Still working on that, but if you’ve got 27 minutes you can see some stuff I shot while on vacation!

  • Baby Teddy,  Family

    Forest at 10 Months

    I meant to get this up a week ago but we went on vacation and the house we were at had horrible wifi, so…no post. This last month Forest has changed a lot! So much to write about! I think I’ll go for bullet points and go from there…. Food: Finally, the kid is taking to food. Still not 100% on textures but he is now gobbling food up like no other. He’s eating, usually, two jars of food or two packets of food at daycare. I guess we should probably start making some food now that he’s eating better, but baby food is just so convenient. I typically buy…

  • Baby Teddy,  Family,  Hiking,  Outdoors

    Tips For Hiking With A Baby

    When I found out I was pregnant in December of 2013 I knew that our outdoor hiking life would be changing for awhile. I tried to find other people online who still did outdoorsy things with their babies and kids, people who hiked and backpacked with babies and toddlers. I didn’t want that aspect of our life to change that drastically. Of course, it has and it did. But, we still have made it work. Are we doing any long distance trails? Nope, but we are doing long dayhikes. It was our hike in Sam Houston National Forest in February that helped me realize that we could do it, that…

  • Baby Teddy,  Family

    Forest at 9 Months

    Y’all. I have the best kid! I know, I know…but really, the best kid! Every day he’s turning more toddler like. It really is hard to think about how little he was even just a few short months ago. Major milestones this month were cutting his top two front teeth, bringing his teeth count to four. He’s also sitting up like a pro these days which has allowed us to take eating out to a whole new level, meaning he gets to sit in a highchair while we eat. I think he enjoys being up and sitting at the table with us but now we battle the ‘Drop The Toy…