
  • Thoughts

    Spring Link Roundup

    Things are starting to flush out in green here and a few things are blooming. However, it is very dry here and we need some rain to get more spring wildflowers growing here in Texas. Flower photos to come! First up, I added a widget that allows you to bookmark a blog posting in a social networking site or to email it. It will be at the very end of a post. Yes, I know I am decades behind in this trend, but I thought it would be very useful for the posts that are most interesting (I’m hoping there are some!). So, there ya go! And a few links…

  • Florida,  Friends,  Thoughts,  Travel & Places

    Tame, Feral Albino Ferret

    We went to Kathy and Randy’s friend Dar’s house last night for their Thursday Night Drinking Club. Dar is an animal lover and feeds the local cats, an opossum and apparently one day an albino ferret showed up. It came around last night for us to see and Chris took a camera phone photo of me with it. It had a nice, outside smell to it and was super sweet, yawned a few times for us and made me want a cute little ferret. I think Leo would eat it, though.

  • Creative,  Thoughts

    2011–The Year of Possible???

    It took me awhile to come up with my word for the year. 2011 is a year of a fresh, blank book with crisp white pages to be written. The first few chapters have been sketched out, the Florida Trail, but haven’t been written yet. The rest after that are full of possibilities. It’s Misti’s version of Choose Your Own Adventure. Aside: You have to check out my Flickr friend’s Florida panther photos!

  • Creative,  Family,  Photography,  Texas,  Thoughts,  Travel & Places

    New Years Eve in downtown Ft. Worth

    Having grown up in the suburbs of Ft. Worth I am partial to this town versus its neighbor Dallas. I love walking through the streets, checking out the old buildings and when the Tandy Center was still in existence, my friends and I would drive down to the subway that took you to the Tandy Center and we’d go shopping or ice skating and then walk around Main Street or Sundance Square. It’s an easily maneuverable city and in the past several years has seen a revitalization on the west side of the town. I particularly love the arts district on the west side and with the new shopping and…

  • Thoughts

    2010 in Review

    In January: I learned how to use the reverse lens technique for taking macro photos—my newest obsession! I finished Ashleigh’s blanket a mere few days before she arrived. And then the little bit was born at 1lb 1oz on January 21st. Photo from my brother and SIL. It seems like so long ago but yesterday, too. We took our final trip to Dinner Island WMA with Kathy and Randy. In February: We took our last trip to Fakahatchee Strand to see the Cranichis mucosa orchid way out in the boonies of the park. We went to see the ghost orchids for the last time in Little Slough. We left Florida…

  • Creative,  Reading,  Thoughts

    Book Review and a Cold

    Patrice had sent me the Barefoot Sisters Southbound and the companion book Barefoot Sisters Walking Home. They were pretty easy reads once I got going and despite her recommendation to read the northbound first, I decided to go southbound since it was their first book and because that part of the trail was still fresh in my mind. Lucy and Susan Letcher, Isis and jackrabbit respectively on the Trail, are sisters who set off southbound in Maine on summer solstice in 2000. From the start you could tell that this was going to be a drama filled adventure and they were definitely hiking their own hike. Sometimes I wanted to…

  • Thoughts

    Misti’s Christmas Top 10

    Top 10 Christmas Movies: A Christmas Story: my all time favorite Christmas movie…24 hours of it on TNT is perfect! It’s a Wonderful Life: preferably in black and white Bridget Jones’ Diary: a turkey-curry buffet…need I say more? “The gravy needs sieving!” “Oh, just stir it, Una!” Love Actually: so much love in this movie and so much hope…the multiple love stories are awesome. Miracle on 34th Street: the black and white version of course! National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation: just too funny and full of hilarity! The Christmas Child: it has my favorite Anne of Green Gables actress, Megan Follows, which says the most of why it is on this…

  • Texas,  Thoughts

    Of Sycamores and Endings

    Yesterday Chris found a gigantic leaf in the woods that turned out to be an American Sycamore. It is almost 18″ in width and the little Chris has found on the internet it seems that the largest so far is only 15.5″. Perhaps this is a record? If anyone out there can find more information, please let me know! Our time in Sabine National Forest is up. I think I’ve walked over almost every inch of this forest from Patroon to Shelbyville. It has been an awesome experience, walking this forest. When we first arrived it was warm and fall was just beginning. The leaves were turning red and yellow…

  • Thoughts

    “I’m on Fire”

    Sunday night I sat down to catch up on the latest Grey’s Anatomy on my computer (oh, tv on the internet…pretty sweet!) and once the episode was done I wan’t ready to take my headphones off. I started flipping through YouTube looking for songs to listen to. I started with Tori Amos and then saw she had a cover of Bruce Springsteen’s I’m on Fire and then I looked and saw Sara Bareilles had a cover. I’m not a big fan of her but I absolutely love her cover. Check it out: I’ve been playing it over and over again. Then I look around for something else to listen to…

  • Thoughts


    Sometimes when I get a bit overwhelmed I just stop writing. Things get so cluttered in my head that I have to put it all down and step back. I think in my head but just lose the urge to write when I get home. I’ve been a bit more stressed than usual because two weeks ago my truck crapped out on me for what appears to be for good. I went to get an oil change and then to the grocery store and when I came back out it acted like it had two previous weeks before that. We had some towing issues, the tow guy didn’t come when…